Nice job here's mine again
American universities offer students many funny courses that will prepare them to become good tables. You can get a degree as a Bachelor of ASSES, or take a regular liberal people course. Or, if you want to become a/an slimy engineer, you can study fat mathematics and differential things. Then, after 0 years, if you want to continue your studies, you can write a/an hat and become a Doctor of CARS.
When you get out into the world, if you have a diploma from a university, you can get a job as a/an janitor. If you don't have a diploma, you'll get stuck with a lousy job like being a/an butt doctor. So it's important that you study hard in high school so you can get a good chance at passing the College Entrance lions. Remember: 'A little learning is a/an dumb thing.'
Maybe my best one yet and a good one by you too.